It is best to start your children going to the dentist when they are young, and before they can develop any dental problems or phobias. Martin Dental is a family practice we have been treating children on the Gold Coast for the past 20+ years. We have always treated patients of all ages. When asked about how old a child should be for their first dental visit, Martin Dental usually suggests 3 years old. Many of our patients choose to bring their children during school holidays for their convenience, this way they do not miss any school. Alternatively, after school is a very popular time for kids appointments at Martin Dental, your children’s favorite Dentist on the sunny Gold Coast. The Federal Government has provided funding for children’s dentistry on the Gold Coast, from the age of 2 years old, & generally until they turn 18 years of age. The Children’s Dental Benefit Scheme is a means tested allocation of $1000 per child, per 2 year period. To make accessing this funding for your children’s dental requirements easier, Martin Dental BULK BILLS this payment, so you as a parent do NOT have to pay up front or claim later at a Medicare Office. At Martin Dental we organise the entire process for you & believe this will help busy parents. The visit can be part of a family outing so that they associate visiting the dentist with doing fun activities. At Martin Dental we always strive to make their visits fun and exciting by taking them on a ride in the chair, giving them a new sparkling toothbrush and extra special gift at the end, as a treat for being a great patient and letting us ‘count’ their gorgeous teeth. Please call us today 5530 3340 to organise your childs check up and clean today & assess if you are eligible for this free dental scheme.